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So recently I finished my finals at school, Oh my gosh just super crazy and annoying. I was tired and cranky I felt like a toddler who needed a nap for the past two weeks. But finally it's over, but only it's not over I have summer classes :-(. Oh well I need to start moving a lot faster if I want to graduate on time and find a decent job to support me and my family. I am a computer engineering major and I am so far loving it, although I can't run away from the math. It's been hectic with this math, I have to take calculus 1 and 2. Then I have to take linear algebra, plus differential equations. I should have ran when I heard that, but I really like this major so I'll stick it out.
How I studied
So let's get to why I am actually writing this blog, to explain how and what I did to prepare for these finals. In my other blog finals week!!, I stated a few things that I do when I am studying. But I actually had help by a product that I found online. It's a cool product that helps speed up learning and makes studying a lot simpler. It helped me through out my finals in the last two weeks of school. Even though for the first week of studying I was having trouble, I stopped having trouble when I discovered this product Studying faster.
It's by Scott Young and it truly is something different. You'll be able to memorize difficult subjects just by using pictures and remembering your favorite songs. You'll be able to get a great nights sleep and not have to worry about that 8AM test. At first when I saw this product I was really not sure whether I should try it or not, because I thought I had all the right methods. Well I didn't, when I was in high school I seriously did not study hard because I felt I didn't have too. As I entered college that logic changed and I was stuck looking for help everywhere. Professors is they were nice enough tried but was only available during office hours, which are only 2-3 hours, and tutoring was available but you had to go on a waiting list and blah, blah. It was tough the first year, and my GPA wasn't all that great either, I ended up with a 2.94 it's okay but not great. All I'm saying is give the product a shot, it cannot hurt which I thought it would.

So recently I finished my finals at school, Oh my gosh just super crazy and annoying. I was tired and cranky I felt like a toddler who needed a nap for the past two weeks. But finally it's over, but only it's not over I have summer classes :-(. Oh well I need to start moving a lot faster if I want to graduate on time and find a decent job to support me and my family. I am a computer engineering major and I am so far loving it, although I can't run away from the math. It's been hectic with this math, I have to take calculus 1 and 2. Then I have to take linear algebra, plus differential equations. I should have ran when I heard that, but I really like this major so I'll stick it out.
How I studied

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